Welcome to the first AustCham Report.
One of the better effects from this period of lockdown from the COVID19 is that it allows the time to implement policy, and one of the important policies the Board of AustCham is to integrate with its members and friends. Hence the AustCham Report will be published bi-monthly
Firstly and most importantly we hope that all members and friends are safe and well. Secondly we hope that business recovery will commence once restrictions are withdrawn and expect a determined support from The Bank of Mauritius in relation to business stimulus.
Out of misfortune does come opportunity, and in the AustCham Report we provide words of wisdom from the Australian High Commission and Austrade in relation to Australian policies which may benefit Mauritius as well as information from the Government of Mauritius and private bodies which will provide opportunities as well as knowledge. We will highlight some of our Members’ businesses to provide an idea of “in-house” linkages.
The policy of AustCham Mauritius is to develop three way advantages in trade, investment and services between Mauritius, Australia and Africa. We fully believe that Mauritius is the logical gateway to Africa and represents outstanding potential for advanced manufacturing, educational, financial and corporate services into Africa with a stable political system, a now turn-around economy and a regulatory environment which effectively de-risks investment and trade into and out- of Africa. The low tax policies, business incentives and environment makes Mauritius not only the No. 1 African country for business but also a strong contender against similar jurisdictions worldwide.
The COVID19 has bought many countries to their knees, but interestingly, both Mauritius and Australia stand-out as exceptions in the control of the virus. It is also an opportunity to make some changes to the economic balance of Mauritius with greater focus on smart manufacturing and services.
Please read and enjoy the AustCham Report.
Graeme Robertson,
President of Austcham